A little about us

Our four Hounds are our family, first and foremost. They are with us day and night, sleeping at the foot of our bed, or sprawling out on the living room floor. Although they have only been with us for a short amount of time, it has been amazing to share our home with these truly majestic creatures. We can no longer imagine life without them.

The girls are due to have puppies within the year from our girls. They play key roles in our goal to aid in preserving the breed. Year by year, registered litters decrease in number.

My mentor/breeder, a breeder who has been breeding IWs for 20 years, (and his mentor before him, 50 years) walks me through vital information on what to do, and the correct way to do it when it comes to caring for Hounds and their puppies. It was he that first convinced me to not to just fulfill my dream of having a pet IW, but to consider breeding them as well.

“The numbers of registered litters born a year are decreasing,” he told me. “Breeders are needed.” And offered me not only two girls he planned to keep for his program, but his priceless advice, guidance, and much more.

From there, pieces were moved into place to take part in something my family and I quickly became passionate about, and the rest is history.